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Title: The transmission Process of “Suzhou Pingtan” Chinese opera in Jiangsu, China
กระบวนการสืบทอดของ “ซูโจวผิงถาน” ในมณฑลเจียงซู ประเทศจีน
Authors: Quan Zhang
Quan Zhang
Khomkrich Karin
คมกริช การินทร์
Mahasarakham University
Khomkrich Karin
คมกริช การินทร์
Keywords: Transmission process
Suzhou Pingtan
Issue Date:  27
Publisher: Mahasarakham University
Abstract: This article studies the research methods of musicology and ethnomusicology, collects data, and analyzes statistical data through the fields of the respondents. The research objectives of this article were three: 1) To investigate the development of “Suzhou Pingtan" in Jiangsu, China. 2) To analyze the music characteristic of song selected of “Suzhou Pingtan" in Jiangsu, China. 3) To propose the guidline for transmission “Suzhou Pingtan" in Jiangsu, China. The research results of this article are as follows: 1) Suzhou Pingtan is divided into five development periods according to time, mainly manifested in the development of bibliography, genre, group, actors, and performance forms. 2) There are many tracks handed down from Suzhou Pingtan, among which 16 of the most popular and outstanding tracks are classified according to their early, transitional, and mixed stages. Based on the analysis of melody trend, mode and tonality, rhythm, accompaniment, and other elements, the accompaniment consists of three strings and a lute, sometimes spoken and sometimes sung, and the ending note often ends with a "drawl". Using a euphemistic and gentle local dialect is more able to express special musical emotions. 3) Through questionnaire survey and data collection, 10 transmission methods of Suzhou Pingtan were identified.
Appears in Collections:College of Music

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