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dc.contributorYuehui Zhangen
dc.contributorYuehui Zhangth
dc.contributor.advisorSirimongkol Natayakulwongen
dc.contributor.advisorศิริมงคล นาฏยกุลวงศ์th
dc.contributor.otherMahasarakham Universityen
dc.description.abstract   This qualitative research aims to study 1). History and Development of Buyi Opera at Ceheng, Guizhou Province, China and 2) Analyzed the current situation and Revival of Buyi Opera at Cebeng, Guizhou Pr ovince, China. All information are collected from Documentaries and research concerning, In-depht interviews, Observation and Focus Group including the experts of Guizhou opera artists Association 2, Professors 1, Buyi Opera Scholar l Buvi Opera Performer 2and the Ceheng villagers 5.with the descriptive analysis.    The research found that There is no exact evidence of when Buyi Opera appeared but it was found to be the most prosperous during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795) and still perform until nowday during festivals and sacrifices in open fields. In ancient Opera form, the division of roles is very clear such as Xiao Dan, Xiao sheng, Xiao Zhou, Wang, general and so on. Actors take more triangles, and different characters will have different speeds and rhythms. Buyi modern opera adaptation, its plot and characters are more related to life. More narrative, more monologues, and more dialogue, rap combinations.    For the current situation reveals that Buyi Opera are still performed among the elderly villagers. But the youth paid less attention. However, The State revival approaches and Community revival approaches still explore the path of Buyi Opera revival under the perspective of traditional cultureen
dc.publisherMahasarakham University
dc.rightsMahasarakham University
dc.subjectBuyi Operaen
dc.subjectChinese Traditional Cultureen
dc.subject.classificationArts and Humanitiesen
dc.subject.classificationArts, entertainment and recreationen
dc.subject.classificationMusic and performing artsen
dc.titleThe Current situation and Revival of Buyi Opera in Chinese traditional cultureen
dc.titleสภาพการณ์ปัจจุบันและแนวทางการฟื้นฟูการแสดงงิ้วปูยี่ ในวิถีวัฒนธรรมประเพณีจีนแบบดั้งเดิมth
dc.contributor.coadvisorSirimongkol Natayakulwongen
dc.contributor.coadvisorศิริมงคล นาฏยกุลวงศ์th
dc.description.degreenameMaster of Fine and Applied Arts (M.F.A.)en
dc.description.degreenameศิลปกรรมศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต (ศป.ม.)th
dc.description.degreelevelMaster's Degreeen
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fine - Applied Arts and Cultural Science

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