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dc.contributorJian Cuien
dc.contributorJian Cuith
dc.contributor.advisorKhomkrich Karinen
dc.contributor.advisorคมกริช การินทร์th
dc.contributor.otherMahasarakham Universityen
dc.description.abstractWith the development of the times and the evolution of history. In contemporary international ethnomusicology, a new discipline - Silk Road musicology has emerged like mushrooms after rain. More importantly, it is because the Xinjiang region of China is the hub of the Land Silk Road. Therefore, Chinese and foreign scholars have traveled to Xinjiang, a treasure trove that has not yet been fully cultivated, to conduct interdisciplinary research and inspections. Since ancient times, Xinjiang has been a place where Eastern and Western cultures blend and blend. Here is a collection of three major civilizations in the world, namely China, ancient Greece, and ancient India. There are three major religions in the world, namely Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity. There are also three major language families, namely the fusion of the Sino Tibetan language family, the Indo European language family, and the Ural Altaic language family. Especially in terms of music, the integration of the Chinese music system, Greek music system, and Persian Arab music system has given birth to the rich and colorful ethnic music of Xinjiang, China. From the late 19th century to the beginning of this century, a large number of Chinese and foreign scholars visited Xinjiang. According to records, in 1889, British man Bauer visited Xinjiang for the first time. Sven heding from Sweden visited Xinjiang seven times between 1894 and 1935, while Stein from the UK visited Xinjiang four times between 1900 and 1930. Other people include Fithall in Germany in 1898, geyweder in Germany in 1903, lekok in 1904, Taku Guangrui and Watanabe zhexin in Japan in 1902, Kurui Saburo and Nomura in Japan in 1905, 190. In short, from 1989 to 1935, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany, Japan Exploration and investigation teams from over a dozen countries, including Italy, the Austro Hungarian Empire, Sweden, Belgium, and others, have arrived in Xinjiang, including Poland. I hope to introduce the unique Xinjiang Muqam music to the Thai people in my doctoral thesis research. And write a very meaningful and practical Muqam art material for the school. Muqam is a music phenomenon and genre widely present in contemporary Islamic culture around the world. Muqam exists throughout Central Asia, West Asia, Southeast Asia, North Africa, and even Europe. It is an important music research topic related to international cultural exchange. However, there are still some issues with Muqam's research. Regardless of its formation and development history. There is no unified understanding of its own interpretation. There are various opinions about the origin of Muqam. For a long time, people have compiled many legends and stories for Muqam. It also covered it with a mysterious veil. Therefore, my doctoral thesis hopes to combine the professional works published in my years of work to ultimately form a highly academic valuable doctoral research paper. Therefore, I believe that the study of Uyghur Muqam art is not only an issue related to a certain ethnic group, but also a major international topic. Clarify the history and specific issues of Muqam's traditional art, summarize rigorous laws and commonalities. It will add a more brilliant new chapter to the vast and profound history of Chinese music. It can also provide useful insights into the history of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries. This is an urgent and important historical mission for most colleagues in ethnomusicology. I can compile some music scores in my doctoral thesis, which provides more reference materials for most Thai music professionals. My doctoral thesis is not only academic material, but also a very detailed reference book. And add new artistic summary achievements to the international music and art stage. And committed to solving the following four problems in the paper: 1. To investigate the current situation of Muqam music in Xinjiang, China 2. To Analyze the music characteristics of Muqam music in Xinjiang, China 3. To Propose the methods to transmission of Muqam music in Xinjiang, Chinaen
dc.publisherMahasarakham University
dc.rightsMahasarakham University
dc.subjectUyghur Muqamen
dc.subjectCulture and Arten
dc.subjectMusic Theoryen
dc.subject.classificationArts and Humanitiesen
dc.subject.classificationMusic and performing artsen
dc.titleThe Uygur Muqam music: Music characteristic and transmission in Xinjiang Chinaen
dc.titleดนตรีอุยกูร์ มูกัม : ลักษณะดนตรีและการถ่ายทอดในซินเจียง ประเทศจีนth
dc.contributor.coadvisorKhomkrich Karinen
dc.contributor.coadvisorคมกริช การินทร์th
dc.description.degreenameDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)en
dc.description.degreenameปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต (ปร.ด.)th
dc.description.degreelevelDoctoral Degreeen
Appears in Collections:College of Music

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