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Title: The Redesign of Suzhou Embroidery Patterns Based on the Perspective of Artistic Characteristics: Application in Today's Society
การออกแบบการเย็บปักรูปแบบซูโจวตามมุมมองของลักษณะทางศิลปะ: การประยุกต์ใช้ในสังคมปัจจุบัน
Authors: Bingqian Zhu
Bingqian Zhu
Prathabjai Suwanthada
ประทับใจ สุวรรณธาดา
Mahasarakham University
Prathabjai Suwanthada
ประทับใจ สุวรรณธาดา
Keywords: artistic identity
Suzhou embroidery culture
floral design
Issue Date:  6
Publisher: Mahasarakham University
Abstract: This is research a qualitative one. The research objectives of this paper are threefold: (1) to study the history and cultural background of the development of Suzhou embroidery and Suzhou embroidery patterns (2) To analyse the artistic characteristics of Suzhou embroidery  motifs (technical characteristics, expressive content, modelling methods, colour characteristics compositional features. (3) To creation into the redesign of Suzhou embroidery patterns based on the perspective of artistic characteristics: application in today's society The samples and population used in this study are divided into two groups: (1) the information research group of the Suzhou embroidery pattern patterns, i.e. for all types of finished Suzhou embroidery patterns, mainly for all types of finished Suzhou embroidery products in Zhenhu street, Suzhou (2) the design analysis data and satisfaction assessment group for embroidery manufacturers, embroidery product shop owners, sales workers of embroidery, embroidery designers, embroidery maids, Suzhou embroidery culture enthusiasts, Zhenhu locals and tourists. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The instruments used in the study were surveys, observations and questionnaires. The statistical data used were the mean and standard deviation. As far as the results of this study are concerned, Suzhou embroidery, the first of the Four Great Embroideries, has some of the commonalities of the art of embroidery in terms of artistic form and expressive techniques, but the unique style of Suzhou embroidery has been formed by the continuous exploration and innovation of successive generations of Suzhou embroiderers on the basis of their heritage. Suzhou embroidery is renowned at home and abroad for its long history, diverse embroidery techniques, rich and elegant colours, exquisite craftsmanship and a wide range of subjects. In recent times, Suzhou embroidery has been reformed and innovated with the changes of history, showing its vitality. Through a study of the four main aspects of Suzhou embroidery: technique, expression, modelling, colour and composition, this article details the artistic characteristics and cultural connotations of Suzhou embroidery motifs and demonstrates the unique artistic charm of Suzhou embroidery. Through a specific study of a large number of Suzhou embroidery documents as well as works, the unique aesthetics of Suzhou embroidery are analysed and the patterns of Suzhou embroidery are redesigned on this basis. In this paper, 10 patterns of Suzhou embroidery were designed, and through the analysis of the satisfaction questionnaire of the target group, the first place is pattern 4 with an average satisfaction score of 4.5, the second place is pattern 9 with an average satisfaction score of 4.12, the third place is pattern 8 with an average satisfaction score of 4.02, and the last place is pattern 8 with an average satisfaction score of In general, each pattern has certain artistic characteristics and traditional cultural meanings of Suzhou embroidery.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fine - Applied Arts and Cultural Science

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