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Title: Touch Designer: An applied model in Contemporarychinese visual art
นักออกแบบระบบสัมผัส: โมเดลประยุกต์ในทัศนศิลป์จีนร่วมสมัย
Authors: Shengxuan Nie
Shengxuan Nie
Sastra Laoakka
ศาสตรา เหล่าอรรคะ
Mahasarakham University
Sastra Laoakka
ศาสตรา เหล่าอรรคะ
Keywords: Touch designer
Applied model
Visual art
Issue Date:  24
Publisher: Mahasarakham University
Abstract: At present, we are in a period of gradual progress from the "information age" to the "intelligent age". Digital technology is advancing rapidly, and the popularization of the Internet and mobile networks has completely changed people's work and lifestyle. The development of artificial intelligence technology is once again impacting people's production and life. It can be said that we are in an era of dramatic changes in both Material culture and ideology. At the same time, with the shift from modern art to modernism, art has become more diverse and decentralized, increasingly related to people's daily lives. For Video art, the involvement of digital technology and even artificial intelligence technology has brought unprecedented opportunities for its creation and dissemination, which not only makes the creation language, expression form and existence mode of image more rich and varied, but also makes its dissemination more extensive and fast.The inherent characteristic of new media image interaction art is its diverse characteristics. From the diversification of expression methods to the diversification of interaction methods. The creators endow the works with rich connotations based on different perspectives such as culture, history, nature, philosophy, etc., which leads to different interpretations of the works by the audience, resulting in many uncontrollable factors. It is precisely this uncontrollable factor that makes the experience of interactive device works flexible and changeable. At the same time, this art form also has the characteristic of gameplay. The entertainment model serves as a bridge connecting the creator's expression of emotions to the audience's integration into the work to gain insights. More importantly, interactive imaging, as a way of expression and creative medium in the information age, has penetrated into all aspects of work and life, and is the most closely connected and popular new media art form with people's daily lives. Now our life is full of interactive video or digital Video art works everywhere, such as virtual world vr, online exhibition, online shopping, online games, various exhibitions in real space, and public space, we can see their colorful figures. Even traditional paper media, movies, and television have evolved into carriers of digital imaging and interactive art. There is no doubt that we have entered an era of "interactive image", "image reading", "digital simulacrum" and the generalization of digital Video art. However, during this period, with the recovery of the economy and the development of the internet, media interactive art has also demonstrated the style of "fast food" works and thinking. Under technological bottlenecks, media interactive art is full of plagiarism and low nutrition, and more and more people prioritize visual effects, losing the way of thinking in the process of painting on the shelf. This needs to be taken seriously. In the process of creation, people choose more and more carriers, and there are various platforms during this period, For example, Unity, processing, microcontroller, Touch Designer, etc., the use of Touch Designer is gradually becoming widespread and accepted. It can be seen as a platform for integrating multiple practical methods, and it has a certain degree of convenience and acceptance in learning and application. More and more professional colleges have also opened related courses, and the emergence and application of TouchDesigner in China is relatively late, and there is currently no complete research literature, This article takes the domestic new media interactive art as the background to study the application and teaching improvement plan of TouchDesigner.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fine - Applied Arts and Cultural Science

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