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Title: Chinese Wisdom in Fiddle making in Jiangxi China
ภูมิปัญญาจีนในการทำซอในมณฑลเจียงซี ประเทศจีน
Authors: Shuaida Liu
Shuaida Liu
Thanaporn Bhengsri
ธนภร เพ่งศรี
Mahasarakham University
Thanaporn Bhengsri
ธนภร เพ่งศรี
Keywords: Fiddle
Chinese Wisdom
Making Process
Issue Date:  31
Publisher: Mahasarakham University
Abstract: This research is called Chinese wisdom in Fiddle making in Jiangxi China,which is a qualitative research, aimed to 1)To study fiddle’s environment situation in Jiangxi;2)To study the making process of fiddle in Jiangxi. The qualitative research method is used. Data are collected on the spot through interviews with 3 key information providers in this field, and the collected data are classified and analyzed. The results show that: With the development of the times, the traditional nature of fiddle has been impacted by modern multiculturalism due to its aesthetic appeal.due to the Chinese people's love for wood and excessive hunting of pythons, the raw materials for fiddle production are becoming increasingly scarce.Due to poor environmental conditions and low income, the aging trend of inheritors is also increasing. The fundamental reason why the existing production techniques of fiddle can be passed down is that they maximize the continuation of traditional fiddle production techniques, and continuously improve the artistic expression of fiddle through optimization and refinement based on systematic research. This kind of innovation that is inseparable from tradition is the fundamental guarantee for the inheritance of cultural heritage in different historical periods. The development of traditional musical instruments in modern society is not optimistic, and even faces an endangered state.We need to continue traditional craftsmanship in social life, protect and inherit the production techniques of fiddle in Jiangxi.The production techniques of fiddle in Jiangxi, as an important carrier of traditional Chinese culture, should be vigorously inherited and developed in the context of current cultural prosperity.
Appears in Collections:College of Music

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