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dc.contributorZhaohua Chaien
dc.contributorZhaohua Chaith
dc.contributor.advisorMetta Sirisuken
dc.contributor.advisorเมตตา ศิริสุขth
dc.contributor.otherMahasarakham Universityen
dc.description.abstractThe research topic of this paper is Tujia Brocade in Xiangxi, China. This paper has four research objectives: 1. to introduce the historical origin and development of Tujia brocade; 2. to study the material culture dimension of Tujia brocade; 3. to study the invention of the tradition of Tujia brocade; 4. to study and analyze the material culture change and traditional invention in the process of the sustainable development of the Tujia ethnic minorities, with the traditional festival of Tujia, "Sherpa Festival", as the unit of analysis. The traditional festival of the Tujia people, "Sheba Festival", is used as the unit of analysis. This study adopts a qualitative research method, and the main information comes from literature research and field field survey. Tujia brocade, as an ethnic traditional handicraft in the Tujia region of western Hunan, China, has been inherited for thousands of years, and has gone through splendor and decline in the process of national development, and its rise and decline reflects the development trend of Tujia culture in modern society. Lao Che Village and Ye Jia Zhai in the basin of Xiangxi Washing River are the original villages that still produce Tujia brocade spontaneously, but the current situation of inheritance is not optimistic, and the past splendor is experiencing the impact of foreign cultures, adjustment of the regional economy, social changes, and the situation that there is no one to carry on the legacy of the inheritors. With China's reform and opening up, Tujia brocade gradually began to revive, in the social background and urgent situation of "intangible cultural heritage" and "protection of traditional Chinese culture and development of cultural industrialization", it is of great significance to study the origin and development trend of Tujia brocade culture. It is of great significance to study the origin and development trend of Tujia brocade culture. After China's reform and opening up, the cultural ecology of the Tujia brocade has changed considerably, affecting the change of brocade culture. Tujia brocade was produced in the practice of Tujia people's production and life, and has a long and unique history. in the traditional society, Tujia brocade was used as a cover for life, which mainly embodied the function of inheritance and utility, and did not participate in the economic activities as a consumer product, and was seldom used to create economic value directly. since the 1980s, along with the development of China's culture and tourism and the influence of the market economy, Tujia brocade, as a typical representative of Tujia culture, has become the most important cultural heritage of the Tujia people. typical representative of Tujia culture, has appeared in tourism performances and display activities. In the current era of unprecedented prosperity of the commodity economy, the development of the economic value of Tujia brocade has become an inevitable trend. Whether the government, academia, enterprises, news media as the main body of protection, or the main body of inheritance, can not ignore the value of Tujia brocade, including the realization of economic value. In the context of globalization and modernization, the sustainable development of human society is a hot topic today. The material culture of Tujia Brocade is of great significance for the identity of Tujia ethnic group, which is constantly constructed in the process of national development, and is especially important for the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. The development process of Tujia brocade is also deepened with the process of globalization. Tujia brocade has material, spiritual and social attributes. As a material product, it satisfies people's physiological needs, while the culture of Tujia brocade satisfies people's spiritual needs, becoming a spiritual product and a cultural symbol of Tujia people. Analyzed from the perspective of sustainable development, the ceremonial performance of Sheba Day, which is full of elements of Tujia brocade, has become a new invented culture today. From the perspective of the whole development process of Tujia brocade culture, under the impact of globalization, Tujia brocade has also experienced the development process from tradition to modernity. Of course, the cultural tourism of Tujia Brocade has both positive and negative impacts on itself, but in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Tourism development provides positive support for the survival and development of Tujia brocade, protects and spreads the brocade culture, enriches the connotation of Tujia brocade, develops great economic value, and promotes the sustainable development of Tujia brocade and the Tujia society in meeting the needs of modern life.en
dc.description.abstractThe research topic of this paper is Tujia Brocade in Xiangxi, China. This paper has four research objectives: 1. to introduce the historical origin and development of Tujia brocade; 2. to study the material culture dimension of Tujia brocade; 3. to study the invention of the tradition of Tujia brocade; 4. to study and analyze the material culture change and traditional invention in the process of the sustainable development of the Tujia ethnic minorities, with the traditional festival of Tujia, "Sherpa Festival", as the unit of analysis. The traditional festival of the Tujia people, "Sheba Festival", is used as the unit of analysis. This study adopts a qualitative research method, and the main information comes from literature research and field field survey. Tujia brocade, as an ethnic traditional handicraft in the Tujia region of western Hunan, China, has been inherited for thousands of years, and has gone through splendor and decline in the process of national development, and its rise and decline reflects the development trend of Tujia culture in modern society. Lao Che Village and Ye Jia Zhai in the basin of Xiangxi Washing River are the original villages that still produce Tujia brocade spontaneously, but the current situation of inheritance is not optimistic, and the past splendor is experiencing the impact of foreign cultures, adjustment of the regional economy, social changes, and the situation that there is no one to carry on the legacy of the inheritors. With China's reform and opening up, Tujia brocade gradually began to revive, in the social background and urgent situation of "intangible cultural heritage" and "protection of traditional Chinese culture and development of cultural industrialization", it is of great significance to study the origin and development trend of Tujia brocade culture. It is of great significance to study the origin and development trend of Tujia brocade culture. After China's reform and opening up, the cultural ecology of the Tujia brocade has changed considerably, affecting the change of brocade culture. Tujia brocade was produced in the practice of Tujia people's production and life, and has a long and unique history. in the traditional society, Tujia brocade was used as a cover for life, which mainly embodied the function of inheritance and utility, and did not participate in the economic activities as a consumer product, and was seldom used to create economic value directly. since the 1980s, along with the development of China's culture and tourism and the influence of the market economy, Tujia brocade, as a typical representative of Tujia culture, has become the most important cultural heritage of the Tujia people. typical representative of Tujia culture, has appeared in tourism performances and display activities. In the current era of unprecedented prosperity of the commodity economy, the development of the economic value of Tujia brocade has become an inevitable trend. Whether the government, academia, enterprises, news media as the main body of protection, or the main body of inheritance, can not ignore the value of Tujia brocade, including the realization of economic value. In the context of globalization and modernization, the sustainable development of human society is a hot topic today. The material culture of Tujia Brocade is of great significance for the identity of Tujia ethnic group, which is constantly constructed in the process of national development, and is especially important for the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. The development process of Tujia brocade is also deepened with the process of globalization. Tujia brocade has material, spiritual and social attributes. As a material product, it satisfies people's physiological needs, while the culture of Tujia brocade satisfies people's spiritual needs, becoming a spiritual product and a cultural symbol of Tujia people. Analyzed from the perspective of sustainable development, the ceremonial performance of Sheba Day, which is full of elements of Tujia brocade, has become a new invented culture today. From the perspective of the whole development process of Tujia brocade culture, under the impact of globalization, Tujia brocade has also experienced the development process from tradition to modernity. Of course, the cultural tourism of Tujia Brocade has both positive and negative impacts on itself, but in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Tourism development provides positive support for the survival and development of Tujia brocade, protects and spreads the brocade culture, enriches the connotation of Tujia brocade, develops great economic value, and promotes the sustainable development of Tujia brocade and the Tujia society in meeting the needs of modern
dc.publisherMahasarakham University
dc.rightsMahasarakham University
dc.subjectSustainable Developmenten
dc.subjectTujia brocadeen
dc.subjectMaterial Cultureen
dc.subjectThe Invention of Traditionen
dc.subject.classificationArts and Humanitiesen
dc.subject.classificationFine artsen
dc.titleBrocade of Tujia in Western Hunan, China: Material Culture and The Invention of Tradition In the Process of Minority Sustainable Developmenten
dc.titleวัฒนธรรมผ้าทอพู่เจีย หูหนานตะวันตก ประเทศจีน: วัตถุวัฒนธรรมและการประดิษฐ์ประเพณีในกระบวนการพัฒนาชนกลุ่มน้อยอย่างยั่งยืนth
dc.contributor.coadvisorMetta Sirisuken
dc.contributor.coadvisorเมตตา ศิริสุขth
dc.description.degreenameDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)en
dc.description.degreenameปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต (ปร.ด.)th
dc.description.degreelevelDoctoral Degreeen
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fine - Applied Arts and Cultural Science

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