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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 163
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24Communication Practices in the Treatment of Thai-Isan Traditional  HerbalistsKamonman Khamsaen; กมลมาลย์ คำแสน; Thananan Trongdee; ธนานันท์ ตรงดี; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
2The Ecological Self in Rewat Panpipat' s PoetryBanjong Burinprakhon; บรรจง บุรินประโคน; keerati Dhanachai; กีรติ ธนะไชย; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
11GUIDELINES FOR CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS LEARNING SOURCE AND RELIGIOUS TOURISM: A CASE STUDY OF PHU PO MUANG KALASIN AND SAHATSAKHAN DISTRICT, KALASIN PROVINCEPrasitthammaporn Bunbut (Thammawaro); ประสิทธิ์ธรรมาภรณ์ บุญบุตร (ธมฺมวโร); Chalong Phanchan; ฉลอง พันธ์จันทร์; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
27Patient Treatment Guidelines of Herbal Doctors in Bonoi Village Community Area, Thasongkhon Sub-District, Muang District, Mahasarakham ProvinceSarawut Prani (Yanasopano); ศราวุธ ปราณี (ญาณโสภโณ); Apinyawat Phosan; อภิญวัฒน์ โพธิ์สาน; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
1Traditional  Dynamics of Song Ku Bua Mat, Bua Mat Sub-District, Borabue District, Mahasarakham ProvincePhraethong Kaewthongmee (Santimano); แพรทอง แก้วทองมี (สนฺติมโน); Chalong Phanchan; ฉลอง พันธ์จันทร์; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
1THE USE OF GROUP INVESTIGATION IN ENHANCING ENGLISH CAUSE-EFFECT WRITING ABILITY OF MATTHAYOMSUKSA 6 STUDENTSKetsirin Sakrajai; เกษศิริน  สากระจาย; Pilanut Phusawisot; พิลานุช ภูษาวิโศธน์; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
14Enhancing Mattayomsuksa 3 Students' English Narrative Writing Ability Through The Use Of Jigsaw Technique Sasiwimon Sritong; ศศิวิมล  ศรีทอง; Pilanut Phusawisot; พิลานุช ภูษาวิโศธน์; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
31 Negotiation Tactics of Khmer Migrant LaborArpasara Chantanit; อาภัสรา  จันทานิตย์; chainarong shatcher; ไชยณรงค์ เศรษฐเชื้อ; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
10The RituaL Dynamic of Chrine of The City PiLLar in MahasarakhamDamrong Phosing (Katuthammo); ดำรงค์ โพธิ์สิงห์ (เกตุธมฺโม); Theerapong Meethaisong; ธีระพงษ์ มีไธสง; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
12 Struggle and Livelihoods Rehabilitation of  Rasisalai Dam Affected people   Dararat Kantawong; ดารารัตน์  กันทวงค์; Somchai Phatharathananuntha; สมชัย ภัทรธนานันท์; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
31Language strategies and the conceptual of cartoonists in the  Vientianemai newspapersPalidtha Latsimma; Palidtha Latsimma; Rachan Nilawanapa; ราชันย์ นิลวรรณาภา; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
29Livelihoods Trajectories of Chi River Basin's Farmers in the Contract Farming of Fish CagesPromsuda Sreenetr; พร้อมสุดา  ศรีเนตร; Chainarong Sretthachau; ไชยณรงค์ เศรษฐเชื้อ; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
30Kinship Terms of Thai Ethnic Group in Koh Kong Province, Kingdom of CambodiaEng Tola; Eng Tola; Banyat Salee; บัญญัติ สาลี; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
7A Comparative of Tale Literary work "Pla Bu Thong" in Thai Version with "Morana Mada" in Khmer VersionPeng Phat; Peng Phat; Pathom Hongsuwan; ปฐม หงษ์สุวรรณ; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
17Chao Anouvong Myths: The Politics of Narrative with the Construction of National Consciousness of LaonessRinlaphat Suebsimma; รินทร์ลภัส สืบสิมมา; Pathom Hongsuwan; ปฐม หงษ์สุวรรณ; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
8The Representation Prawor Prata  Narrative of Mekong BasinAttapol Thammarungsee; อรรถพล ธรรมรังษี; Rachan Nilawanapa; ราชันย์ นิลวรรณาภา; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
31Children's Rights in Roald Dahl’s Selected Young People's FictionSirilak Sriphachan; ศิริลักษณ์ ศรีพระจันทร์; Kittiphong Praphan; กิตติพงษ์ ประพันธ์; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
13Sin Sai: Functions and Interaction between Classical Literature and Laos Society and CulturePhitsaphong Vongphachanh; Phitsaphong Vongphachanh; Pathom Hongsuwan; ปฐม หงษ์สุวรรณ; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
20Representation and Construction of Nature in Thai Fantasy NovelsOrawan Rithisrithorn; อรวรรณ ฤทธิ์ศรีธร; Pathom Hongsuwan; ปฐม หงษ์สุวรรณ; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
10Natures in Isan Folk Tales : Construction of Ecological Landscape and InterpretationKhomkrit Woradejnaiyana; คมกฤษณ์ วรเดชนัยนา; Pathom Hongsuwan; ปฐม หงษ์สุวรรณ; Mahasarakham University. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 163